My FIRST Customer Interview!! OH YA!!

While doing a “30 Day Social Media Content Challenge” one of the challenges was to interview a customer!!  BRILLIANT!!  So, here is my FIRST customer interview.  I have not changed a thing or even tweeked it at all!!  I hope you check it out!!

My first customer volunteer is Monica G. and here is our interview!!

Q.  What Younique products have you used? And which is your favorite?

A.  “Fiber lash mascara and I was so skeptical if it would even work because my eyelashes are small and won’t stay up if I curl like crazy. But spent the money and was totally hooked! Works amazing! Very happy customer right here!”

Look at the difference in my LASHES...Untouched picture! The new lash fiber mascara is true an sooo worth it! Most know my lashes are small an dont curl but I didnt use a lash curler this is the mascara only! Wow thank you Carmen!

Look at the difference in my LASHES…Untouched picture! The new lash fiber mascara is true an sooo worth it! Most know my lashes are small an dont curl but I didnt use a lash curler this is the mascara only! Wow thank you Carmen!

Q.  That’s awesome!! How often do you wear your 3D Fiber Mascara?

A.  “I try to do it everyday while doing my makeup because makes me feel pretty w/long full lashes lol but between being a mom and working full-time, sometimes it’s every other day.”

Q.  Have you read or seen our Love It Guarantee?

A.  “I glanced at it but my Rep Carmen told me and made me feel confident with buying and I ended up loving it so definitely happy me! 😀”


Q.  What do you think about the QUALITY and PRICE of our Younique products and being able to shop ONLINE?

A.  “I’m not much of an online shopper for makeup it’s hard for me I’d like to see it and if I feel confident hurry and buy and try but it is easy I’ve looked don’t get me wrong. But I love that my Rep is close by so when I need it I can hop on over and get my lashes yaaaay and the quality of the mascara is the best mascara by far and believe me I tried so many and they all failed me except Younique.  These are the only ones that worked for me! I carry them in my purse because you never know when you’ll need them. Love them!”

Q.  You said you LOVED your Younique products. Have you hosted a FREE ONLINE or HOME Lash Bash? If your answered YES, what did you like best about it and did you earn FREE and HALF OFF.  IF you answered NO….why have you not hosted one?

A.  “Yes I tried but with starting a new job I didn’t get to put more effort into it which I regret because I do love the product! But being a mommy of 7 AND working full-time and cooking and cleaning I got distracted with it all. I did like the convenience of online though and next time I’ll go on more. I didn’t get to earn half off or free which was a bummer but look forward to next time.”


Q.  Have you thought about selling Younique? Why or Why not?

A.  “Yes,  I did think about it several times and almost did several times But at the time I wasn’t working and very limited income w hubby being the only bread earner and bills and kids haha so only thing stopped me was the money up-front so that was a bummer.”


Q.  Would you or do you refer your friends/family to me as Your Personal Younique Presenter? Why or Why not?

A.  “Haha. YES I already do with a quickness because my Rep Carmen is flipping awesome! #1 hands down! Yaaaay

And that is a WRAP on my first customer interview!!!!  Thanks for reading!!”

Thank you Monica!!!!

Happy Friday Readers,


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